Thursday, November 10, 2016

Trump Voters Are Sensitive

I made a joke on Facebook that poked fun at Trump voters.  The joke was this… Considering the IQ of Trump voters, I propose that we change the Electoral College to the Electoral Junior College.  I assumed those that read it would have understood that it was a pun on the word college.  However, it turns out that some people got upset at that joke.  They were offended that I was making fun of them.  They were quick to tell me how intelligent they really were.  

I was polite and told them it was a joke and it wasn’t meant to offend.  That was true.  However, their reactions show they deserved to be offended.  They went out of their way to prove that their IQ was low.  They proved they don’t have critical thinking skills.  The amazing thing is, they don’t know they can’t think critically.  It is amazing to me.  I didn’t reply in a manner that would have offended them.  It would have been like making fun of a kid with Down’s syndrome.  There is no sport in that.  However, if I would have replied, it would have been like this:

If you and the average Trump voter are smart, then tell me how Trumps refutation of David Ricardo is valid.  Tell me why a huge tax cut for the wealthiest people in the country is going to help you.  Show me the economic model that allows massive tax cuts and an increase in spending lead to balanced budgets.  Explain to me why it is beneficial to destroy NATO, and abandon Japan and South Korea.  Tell me why the 94% increase in health care costs in the 10 years previous to Obama care is better than the 20% increase in the 5 years after Obamacare.  Explain to me why the climate scientists and their models are wrong.

I have a feeling I know what those answers will be.  They are:

Who is David Ricardo?  The wealthy are going to start and expand businesses with the money they will have.  Uh… economic model?  That is not going to happen.  Obama care is bad, because people couldn’t keep their doctor and they are paying a lot more for their health care.  It gets cold in the winter.

So the answers are: ignorance; ignorance; ignorance; Trump was lying; ignorance; just plain fucking stupidity.  So tell me how the average Trump voter is not dumb.  I am sorry if that hurts your feelings, but it is an earned title.  You earned it, so wear it.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Problems With Religion

I have been in a running conversation with an old friend who has recently found “God” and it got me to thinking.  He thought I was being very hostile and angry, but I was actually holding back out of politeness.  Now, I am hostile to religion, because people who believe are incredibly annoying and bigoted.  It is a club of special people who believe they are better than everyone else, and who will have paradise while the rest of us suffer for eternity.  That, in and of itself, is un-American .  Sure, you can belong to this group if you just profess your belief into the very illogical and obviously false idea that some archaic text is factual.  It reminds me of struggle session from Mao’s China where you had to confess to imaginary crimes.  While Christianity is a milder form of torture and humiliation, it is still torture and humiliation on some level.  That is why I believe that Christianity (as well as many other religions) is evil.

Allow me to delve into the insanity of Christianity itself.  First, there is the hilarious idea that Christ died for our sins.  Why did he have to do this?  He is supposed to be God in human form.  God created the rules, so he should be able to change them without the sadism of crucifixion.  Then again, God is supposed to be perfect, so he would never have made rules he would need to later change.  That shows imperfection.  

Second, humans are sinful by nature, but God is perfect and without sin.  I am going to assume that God wanted us to be with sin, because if he didn’t, then God isn’t perfect.  So the question becomes, is God without sin because God is above even his own rules?  Let’s face it, God has violated the Ten Commandments many times.  He is especially good at murder.  That whole Biblical flood thing was genocidal.   Then there are the times when God told others to kill.  By our law, telling people to kill (and them doing it) is murder as well.  Then there is knocking up Mary, which is adultery.  So if the idea is that God hasn’t sinned as we have sinned, then it is clearly false.

Then there is Pascal’s Wager.  The idea that if you believe in God, and he doesn’t exist, then you are no worse off than if you didn’t.  But, if you don’t, and God does exist than you are much worse off.  The problem there is the fact that there have been thousands if not millions of gods in the course of human history.  Add to that the incredibly unlikeliness that Christianity is true (based on the lack of historical and scientific proof), then you are making a fools wager on par with buying a lottery ticket.  Just like buying a lottery ticket is a waste of money, following Christianity is a waste of time.  You could justify it by gaining pleasure from the act of worship, just like you can get pleasure from buying a lottery ticket and imagining what you would do with the winnings, however, you would be better off if you learned to gain pleasure from something else instead.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Having An Opion Without Any Knowledge

I had a run in on Facebook with some crazy people today.  First there was a guy upset that Obama lied.  Shocking, I know.  He then went to state that the country was in trouble in part due to our national debt, the lack of a gold standard, and because our exchange rates are flexible and not fixed.  The surprised me, because it is immediately in batshit land.  I responded in what I thought was a nice way by saying he was wrong and that if he does some research he will find that things aren't so bad.

He saw that as an insult, so I went on to explain very briefly that deficits during a liquidity trap aren't bad, history shows the gold standard to be very bad, and fixed exchange rates are terrible for an economy.  That's when the crazies jump in.

To make a long story short, I was called all kinds of names and told I don't know anything and shouldn't be a teacher.  In fact, they said it was because of people like me that we need to do away with tenure, so I would get fired.  Oh, and the best part, because I am a liberal.

The problem with all this was that nobody ever refuted a thing I said.  They never provided a supporting argument for the gold standard, austerity, or fixed exchange rates.  This leads me to believe that they don't come up with their ideas due to logic and reasoning, but due to someone they view to be an authority telling them something (so much for the Enlightenment).  I am wondering, would anyone believe in bad economics if they understood basic economics?  Even fresh water economists don't want to go back to the gold standard and fixed exchange rates.

The only conclusion I can draw at this time is that ignorance leads people to follow those who sound convincing.  Basically, they are following con-men.  It makes perfect sense.  If you don't understand physics and engineering, you are more likely to believe in a 9/11 truther theory.  If you don't understand biology, you are more likely to believe in creationism.  If you don't understand economics you are more likely to believe someone on Fox Business channel.

The problem with economics is that kids in high school have no interest in it.  It might as well be a Latin class.  People don't start getting interested in economics until later in life (maybe late 20's or 30's).  By then, their formal schooling is over and they are left to learn it on their own.  So who do they turn to?  Conservative talk radio and TV.  This is probably due to conservatives being the party of business and people confuse business with economics.  This is a bad mistake when wanting to learn about macroeconomics.  I speak from experience when I say people on Fox Business channel know nothing about macroeconomics.  Talk radio can be even worse.

Thus, we are doomed until we can figure out a way to educate the 20 and 30 something crowd on economics, or convince 18 year olds that economics is interesting.  If we don't figure out a solution, then these idiots are going to vote in some dumbass as president who will completely wreck the economy.

Monday, June 9, 2014


I am wondering... Do racist know they are racist?  Once again I have seen Facebook posts that seem to be overtly racist, and people agree with the post but add, "I am not racist", to their replies.  If you say something overtly racist, and then deny your racism, are you trying to fool yourself or everyone else? 

Now, I am not one who likes to call people racist.  I think it is a serious allegation and shouldn't be used lightly.  However, when people mention that minorities are destroying America, and lament that we are losing touch with our white, Christian values, then that makes them racists.  When they claim that these Christian values were the values of the Founding Fathers, then they are also stupid.  I use stupid rather than ignorant, because I believe they know better, but they like the lie better than the truth, so they stick with the lie.  That makes them stupid.  I guess most racists are stupid as well, but I like pointing them both out separately.

If you would allow me, I would like to take apart the quote that one of my racist friends put on his Facebook page...

"Written by a USMC Vet. (I can't argue with any of it. Passing it along as it was received.)"

Wow, Lee Harvey Oswald was also a USMC vet.  Does that give his rantings credibility?  By the way, I can and will argue with a lot of it.  

"The American Dream ended (on November 6th, 2012) in Ohio. The second term of Barack Obama will be the final nail in the coffin for the legacy of the white Christian males who discovered, explored, pioneered, settled and developed the greatest Republic in the history of mankind."

Really?  The second term of Obama seems a lot like the first, which seemed a lot like the terms of the previous 5 presidents (That is covering my lifetime from 5 years old to now).  Perhaps this  guy feels that the coffin started being built during the Civil Rights Movement or maybe as far back as the Civil War?  White Christian males only discovered America for other white Christian males, there were already people here, and they didn't need it discovered for them.  Explored, pioneered, settled?  Again, civilization was already here.  The only thing white Christian males did was take the land away from those already here, and they also did their best to kill off those that were here.  The development of the Republic often came on the backs of minorities.  Slavery was a big part of the economy until the Civil War.  The railroads were built with Chinese labor.  I do like the way he combines white Christian males (I am pretty sure there should be commas in there, but I will leave it like the original).  If you go back through the history of the United States, there was a hatred between the different white ethnic groups.

"A coalition of Blacks, Latinos, Feminists, Gays, Government Workers, Union Members, Environmental Extremists, The Media, Hollywood, uninformed young people, the "forever needy," the chronically unemployed, illegal aliens and other "fellow travelers" have ended Norman Rockwell's America."

Ok, racist, xenophobic, sexist, and homophobic.  Also add hypocrite to the list.  He rants against government workers, yet his claim to credibility is "USMC Vet"?  Who does he think he worked for?  Union members?  This guy really thinks America fell apart a long time ago.  Unions are very weak now.  I guess he wants to go back to the 1800's when unions were outlawed.  Environmental extremists?  That is a term that needs defining.  It could be someone that wants to eliminate everything that came after the beginning of the industrial revolution, or someone that advocates for anything other than laissez faire, or anything in between.  The media?  Where does this guy get his information?  Are we to believe that he hangs out at his local university library and reads nothing but peer-reviewed articles?  Hollywood?  So he doesn't like TV or movies.  Uninformed young people?  I guess that is different than uninformed old people, which makes him feel better about himself.  It seems like he is pretty needed if he has to talk about how bad America is getting.  Chronically unemployed?  Well, at least he has proven he isn't getting his information from peer-reviewed articles.  I don't know what fellow travelers mean.  Gypsies maybe?  Also, blacks, unions, environmentalists, the needy and unemployed don't share the same government policy goals as illegal aliens so it is kind of hard for them to form a coalition.

"The Cocker Spaniel is off the front porch... The Pit Bull is in the back yard. The American Constitution has been replaced with Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals" and Chicago shyster, David Axelrod, along with international Socialist George Soros will be pulling the strings on their beige puppet to bring us Act 2 of the New World Order.
My side ran two candidates who couldn't even win their own home states, and Chris Christie helped Obama over the top with a glowing "post Sandy" tribute that elevated the "Commander-in-Chief" to Mother Teresa status. (Aside: with the way the polls were run, he didn't need any help!)"

Batshit nuts.  I can't even tear this apart because it is nonsensical.  He makes no point, but only cries about random shit.

"People like me are completely politically irrelevant, and I will never again comment on or concern myself with the aforementioned coalition which has surrendered our culture, our heritage and our traditions without a shot being fired.
You will never again out-vote these people. It will take individual acts of defiance and massive displays of civil disobedience to get back the rights we have allowed them to take away. It will take Zealots, not moderates & shy not reach-across-the-aisle RINOs to right this ship and restore our beloved country to its former status."

The first part is right.  He is completely irrelevant.  However, he is also scary.  This guy has convinced himself that he is in the right, but that he is a minority and needs to disrupt the political system to succeed.  He doesn't mention "peaceful" in his rant.  That makes him dangerous, because he wants to be relevant and he isn't bright enough to convince intelligent people to come to his cause.  That leaves him in the status of Lee Harvey Oswald.  He was a USMC vet that wanted desperately to be relevant and believed that only through radical actions could he achieve that.

What makes this sad is so many people agreeing with him.  I really thought racism was dead.  It is only through social media that I find people proudly displaying their racist stupidity.  I just can't figure out if I am in denial when I think that these people might not understand that they are racist.  Perhaps it is just a sad reality that I am unwilling to accept.  The one thing that I am sure about is that their ideas and attitudes are racist, and that makes me sad.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013


I think I have figured something out.  Those wingnuts that post crazy things to Facebook about all the rumors and myths about Obama are just blind with hatred.  That is why they don't recognize legitimate criticism of him.  That is why they focus on Benghazi, but ignore him pulling support from Egypt now that it is back under military rule.  That is why they complain about Syria, but ignore Saudi Arabia's anger at the lack of support.

One of the latest posts of the nuts is about Obama denying knowing about NSA tapping of foreign leaders phones.  It isn't that he did the tapping, or that as the chief executive he is responsible whether he knew about it or not.  It isn't about him not having control over the policies of our intelligence services.  It is if he lied about knowing of it.  My guess is that he knew about it, but needs to deny it in order to improve relations with the foreign governments or at least with the people in those countries.  But all the logical arguments are thrown out.  The only thing that matters is blind hatred of Obama.

Another one going around recently is the outrage over people having to change their insurance under Obamacare, because their current coverage doesn't meet the minimum standards of the ACA.  Instead of arguing that the standards should be lowered, they are just pissed that Obama said people would be able to keep their insurance.  This is just mind boggling.

Before Facebook, I had no idea there were this many crazy people.  I thought most people were normal level-headed moderates.  Boy was I wrong.  I have seen comments calling for Obama's impeachment, and saying he is the most evil person to hold the office of president.  I assume they have no clue about history, and not that they support things like the genocide of the American Indian.  I thought we were far more sophisticated than that.  I was wrong. 

Monday, October 21, 2013

Which Side of the Fence?

My favorite right wingnut posted on his facebook page a lame copied post about the difference between a conservative and a liberal.  I think I am going to alter what the conservative side should read...

If a Conservative doesn't like guns, it probably is just the one that he killed his homosexual neighbor with and is just throwing it away to get rid of the evidence.

If a Liberal doesn't like guns, he wants all guns outlawed.

If a Conservative is a vegetarian, he is called a pussy by all his friends.

If a Liberal is a vegetarian, he wants all meat products banned for everyone.

If a Conservative is homosexual, he lives in fear that his friends will kill him for being a freak of nature.

If a Liberal is homosexual, he demands legislated respect.

If a Conservative is down-and-out, he has finally figured out that the ponzi scheme was a bad idea.  Or, he thinks that if they cut taxes more, then the rich will let that money trickle down to him.  Or, he will just have more time to spend in front of the abortion clinic protesting while his brother goes in and kills him a doctor.
If a Liberal is down-and-out he wonders who is going to take care of him.

If a Conservative doesn't like a talk show host, she demands that Letterman apologizes for making fun of her slutty daughter.

A Liberal demands that those they don't like be shut down.

If a Conservative is a non-believer, his friends think he will spend the rest of eternity in Hell unless they save him.

A Liberal non-believer wants any mention of God and religion silenced.

If a Conservative decides he needs health care, he goes about shopping for it, or may choose a job that provides it.  But, he will also think that this process is socialism because that is what Obamacare actually does.

If a Liberal decides he needs health care, he demands that the rest of us pay for his.

If a Conservative reads this, he'll forward it so his friends to reinforce his belief that he is cool rather than the reality that he is really a douche bag.

A Liberal will delete it because he's "offended".

Well, I forwarded it.   Note: The wingnut forwarded it.  I just ridiculed it.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Support the Military

It seems that everyone supports the military.  No matter if you are a hawk or a dove, you have to support the troops.  Everyone on TV goes out of their way to show how much they support the troops.  The small government conservatives still love a big government military.  We bash government institutions as incompetent, but not the military.  They are great.  If you dare to speak out against the military, you are going to be attacked.  But, isn't that a bit fascist?

We create slogans like "they are fighting for our freedom", but in reality our freedom hasn't been at risk since the 1940's.  In all seriousness, the Revolution, the Civil War, and World War II are the only wars were our freedom has been threatened.  The War of 1812 saw a threat to the country, but that was our own doing.  We could have stayed out of that war.  Far more often than fighting for our freedom, the military has been fighting to support the political ambitions of our elected officials.

Is it right to promote and praise individuals who have served in an organization whose purpose is to kill other human beings?  We don't have to vilify these people, but there isn't really a need to praise them as if they have saved your kitten from a tree.  Just treat them like you would the garbage man, the box boy at the grocery store, or a plumber.  That is because in the last 50 years, a soldier hasn't been any more important than people from those lines of work.